Timid and cries easily, but has a kind heart. Enjoys weeding and fighting battles.
One of Chiikawa’s best friends. Has a bright, positibe attitude. Live in a cage, love as a photographer.
One of Chiikawa’s best friends too. Always Yell “Urah!” and “Yaha!” a lot. Enjoy eating different kinds of food. Keen on battle and with level 3 weeding license.
Loves to act cute and is always begging for different things. with mystery background on soul?!!
is a bit of a gourmand and enjoys taking care of others. Just don’t let Kurimanju’s adorable looks fool you. With iconic joyful expression after drinking or eating with delicious taste.
A strong warrior that’s good at fighting and whom Chiikawa and Hachiware look up to. Be a strong and master!
Works at Rou ramen shop. Calls Ramen no Yoroi-san “master”. With super working license after deligent study and took the difficult exam.